Monday, February 25, 2008

USC Master Plan Meeting

The University of Southern California
Invites you to a
Town Hall Meeting
For a presentation and discussion on the
Proposed USC Master Plan
Development of the University Park Campus and
the prosperity of its surrounding community
through the year 2030

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Radisson Hotel Los Angeles
3540 South Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90007

(Near Figueroa St. and Exposition Blvd.)
Parking provided on site

Saturday, March 15, 2008
9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Masjid Omar ibn Al-Khattab
1025 West Exposition Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90007

(Near Vermont Ave. and Exposition Blvd.)
Parking provided on site

Both meetings will be an open house format with stations on the specific aspects of the proposed master plan Spanish simultaneous translation will be available.

For more information, please contact (213) 743-2072, or visit us at

La University of Southern California
Le invita a una
Junta Comunitaria
Para escuchar y discutir una presentación sobre el
Propuesto USC Master Plan
La visión para el plan maestro de la universidad y
la prosperidad de la comunidad cercana hasta el año 2030

martes, 4 de marzo, 2008
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Radisson Hotel Los Angeles
3540 South Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90007

Cerca Figueroa St. y Exposition Blvd.)
Estacionamiento incluido

sábado, 15 de marzo, 2008
9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Masjid Omar ibn Al-Khattab
1025 West Exposition Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90007

Cerca Vermont Ave. y Exposition Blvd.)
Estacionamiento incluido

Las dos juntas serán en formato de una presentación con estaciones sobre los aspectos específicos del propuesto plan maestro.

Traducción simultánea en español será disponible. Para más información, por favor contacta (213) 743-2072, o visítenos a

Stop Employment Discrimination

an interactive LEGAL-EASE workshop

6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
A.F.I.B.A. Center
5730 Crenshaw Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA

Please join us for our monthly LEGAL-EASE workshops designed to educate and inspire us to stand up and get busy. Our employment discrimination workshop is a must-attend event for anyone who works, has worked, or plans to work for anyone other than themselves. If it’s happening, do something about it! If it hasn’t hit you yet, stop waiting until it happens to you!

Refreshments will be served. $5.00 donation suggested, includes raffle. All proceeds to benefit the work of Human Rights Advocacy.

For more information, please contact Nana at 323-947-9772 or