Monday, August 27, 2007

Spend $125 Million

Consolidated planning is your opportunity to tell the City of Los Angeles how to spend more than $125 million.

Did you know these funds are used to finance:

* Training for start-ups and small businesses

* Construction of day-care centers

* After-school programs for the children of low- and moderate-income working parents

* Hot meals and health screening for elderly and disabled citizens

* Construction or expansion of community centers and health service facilities

* Street lighting and sidewalk repair

Now is your chance to say how $125 million in Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds should be spent for the upcoming year. Come to a meeting in your community to offer your ideas. Funds must be used to primarily benefit low- and moderate-income persons. Your viewpoint is essential to wise use of these funds; we welcome your participation, and your voice will be heard.

Residents are invited to attend one of six community meetings throughout the city of Los Angeles to provide input on priorities for expenditure of HUD Consolidated Plan
funds over the next five years, and for the upcoming 34th Program Year. The City receives approximately $125 million annually from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for new housing construction and rehabilitation of existing housing, public services, programs for the homeless and those living with HIV/AIDS; community facilities; and economic development. Activities funded through the CDBG program must primarily benefit low- and moderate-income people, eliminate blight, or generate jobs.

Meetings are scheduled at the following locations. All sites are disabled accessible, and Spanish-speaking translators are available.

Please contact the CDD Grants Section at (213) 744-9021 if you need additional information about these meetings or directions. For those that cannot attend but still wish to participate, comments or suggestions may be sent to:

City of Los Angeles
CDD Administrative Services Division, Grants Section
1200 W. 7th Street, 4th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90017
Attn: Grants Supervisor

The South LA meeting will be held on:
Tuesday, September 4, 2007 @ 6: 00 p.m.
Ascot Public Library
120 W Florence Ave
Los Angeles CA 90003

Beautification Grants

The deadline for the City's $10K Community Beautification Grant is quickly approaching (October 17th), and traditionally our community never gets its fair share because fewer people/organizations apply and apply correctly.

The City is holding two of their nine final grant writing workshops in our backyard to help individuals better understand the program and fill out the application:

Wednesday, August 29 - 6PM - South LA Constituent Service Center - 8475 S. Vermont 90044 (Vermont & Manchester)

Tuesday, September 4 - 6PM - Council District 10 Community Room - 1819 S. Western Ave 90006 (Western & Washington)

Please pass on this info to all interested people in our community.

For more info about the program go to the City's Office of Community Beautification website at